Religion【台灣民俗廟會看不完 新港奉天宮】2月27日精彩回顧|Blessing Formosa嘉慶君遊臺灣|陳亞蘭女士翻玩古典帥翻A Tour of the Incredible City

2022 Explore the intertwined histories and cultures of the major religions~布袋過溝建德宮 、 嘉義聖興宮 、鹿草圓山宮 、新園龍喉宮等等繞境到奉天宮囉~ 「三月瘋媽祖」台灣獨有的宗教文化,台灣各大媽祖廟進香遶境近一個月,大家呼朋引伴共襄盛舉,各大寺廟繞境拜訪,家家戶戶準備豐厚供品、虔誠跪拜。 第一次帶小朋友參加廟會,他們非常期待,看到千里眼、順風耳很開心,也雙手合十的祈求平安。每間寺廟代表卯足全勁,展現自己的特色和強項。 主持人說有信仰的人不會學壞~我想也有她的道理吧!各個宗教都有獨特的祭拜方式和傳統,我們都予以尊重,筆者單純想記錄台灣在地文化~ 筆者和孩子們有榮幸看到陳亞蘭女士宣傳新戲- 嘉慶君遊台灣~歌仔戲第一把交椅,聽說也是辛苦和費時拍攝的一部好戲,大推!! Дева Небесная в храме Фэнтянь в Сингане, первый этап грандиозного тура, линия фронта протянулась на несколько километров, и в го...


【2021MAISON DE CHINE(兆品酒店)IN JIAOXI】Unique Hotel With Building Blocks In Taiwan

Labor Day is one of the most important holidays in Taiwan. Citizens in Taiwan enjoying one last three-day weekend. Labour Day in Taiwan is celebrated every 1 May.  Today, Mrglobalwriter recommended one of the most unique hotels in Taiwan with building blocks. Hurry up daddy! My son was so excited knowing we were going to live in a special hotel in Jiaoxi together. About four hours drive from Taichung, we finally arrived at the Hotel. It’s time to check into a hotel. This mountain model is composed by building block...